Saturday , July 20 2024

Tag Archives: Islamic Extremism

United States and South Asia : Analysis by Dr. Richard Benkin

United States and South Asia

With the United States of America (US or USA) taking a more isolationist tone and actions under President Donald Trump, it is not surprising that some South Asians are looking to other powers for support; not surprising but not wise either. People have been counting out the US since its birth when many Europeans thought the ragtag American revolutionaries would fall apart before …

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The Citizenship Amendment Act: Correcting historic blunder

Citizenship Amendment Act

To understand the violent protests against The Citizenship Amendment Act we need to go back in history. It has been over 70 years since India was partitioned on religious lines because Muslim League believed that muslims can not co-exist with Hindus. The frightful vivisection of India in 1947 paved way for emergence of two nations: A secular India committed towards …

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India’s response to Pak PM Imran Khan’s loose speech at UNGA

India's response at UNGA

Exercising its right to reply, India on Saturday responded to Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s maiden UNGA speech where he loosely spoke about nuclear war. Here is the full text of India’s response presented by Vidisha Maitra, First Secretary at Indian Mission in United Nations: Threat of unleashing nuclear devastation qualifies as brinksmanship, not statesmanship Mr. President, I take the floor …

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Kashmir, the two constitutions and exodus of Kashmiri Pandits

Kashmir and Terrorism

Few Kashmiri youths hold the ideology that Kashmir is not an integral part of India, as this ideology is formulated by people like Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Yasin Malik etc, people like them confuse the mass by saying how come an integral part of India can have its own constitution, and still not be independent. Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir …

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Pakistan and the anatomy of terror

The Pulwama attack few weeks back was carefully calibrated to pile pressure on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the run-up to the general election to be held in April and May 2019. Pulwama tragedy signals a significant escalation in terrorism in the Kashmir Valley. Given the type, target and the scale of the attack, it seems obvious that this …

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Indian Hindu Leader Hosted in Shomron, Israel

Israel-India relations

This spring, Arun Upadhyay, International President of Hindu Struggle Committee, realized a long- cherished dream: he visited Israel. While the world marvels at the growing relationship between Israel and India, numerous individuals are making it work at a person-to-person level. Arun, a Hindu activist, has worked on building the India-Israel relationship at the grass roots level for more than a …

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Umar Daud Khattak, Mission Commander, Pashtunistan Liberation Army in conversation with Shaurya Ritwik

Umar Daud Khattak

Umar Daud Khattak is a warrior and Mission Commander of Pashtunishtan Liberation Army fighting against the illegal occupation of Pakistan from past many years. He is in list of most wanted by Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI. In an interview with The Charticle’s Founding Editor Shaurya Ritwik in Kabul, Afghanistan he talked about his Free Pashtunishtan movement, Pashtun history, Pakistan army’s atrocities in Balochistan, Pashtunishtan and …

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The National Security Market is Open for Proxy Wars

War in Afghanistan

– By Umar Daud Khattak, Pashtunistan Freedom Activist Since childhood, I have been thinking why the war in Pashtun lands [in Afghanistan and Pakistan] does not come to a conclusion. Why the war [or in western NATO context, the war on terror, formerly called Jihad, an American Jihad against USSR’s communism] has no winner and loser? Why there are no …

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What is Moderate Islam? Dr. Richard Benkin in conversation with Shaurya Ritwik

What is moderate islam

In an exclusive interview Dr. Richard Benkin shared his views with Shaurya Ritwik, Founding Editor, The Charticle on his latest published book What is Moderate Islam?, Radical islamic terrorism, Donald Trump administration, his role in advocacy of human rights in Bangladesh and a lot more. Dr. Benkin, first of all I would like to congratulate you on your new book …

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Abolish article 370 : Give Kashmiri Pandits their home back By Anupam Kher

Kashmiri Pandits

– By Anupam Kher, Anupam Kher  is an Indian actor and the current Chairman of Film and Television Institute of India. Every time I go to Jammu and meet the internally displaced Kashmiri Pandit community, I am struck by two things. Their staunch patriotism, and their optimism. Here is a community displaced from their homes, torn out of their state and made …

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