Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Bharatiya Janta Party

Decoding Big labour reforms in U.P, M.P to attract foreign investments

Labour Reforms in U.P and M.P

India moves big labour law changes to limit coronavirus impact and accelerate the much needed growth engine. The move comes just days after the UP CM held a video conference with US firms to persuade them to shift from China. The Centre on Friday came out strongly in favour of structural labour reforms to spur economic growth, saying it supports …

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Done and Dusted: Modi govt rectified historic Kashmir blunder

Article 370 Scrapped in Kashmir

Kashmir will see a new dawn. As the quote goes, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”, India on August 5 2019 witnessed such a day which rectified political blunder of decades. What happened today in Parliament must have been backed by few years of strategy and research, and precised timing for implementaion of …

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Ladakh gives mandate to young BJP leader Jamyang Tsering Namgyal

Jamyang Tsering Namgyal

Ladakh, India’s largest parliamentary seat geographically, enthusiastically elected young dynamic leader Jamyang Tsering Namgyal as its new representative in the Lok Sabha. Namgyal, the incumbent Chief Executive Councilor (CEC) of Leh Council, defeated his rival, Independent candidate Sajjad Hussain Kargili, who was backed by National Conference, PDP and influential Islamia School Kargil (ISK). Mr. Namgyal has been raising the issues …

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Modi 2.0 comes with strong mandate, the ghosts of 2004 exorcised for BJP

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s most popular leader, won a sweeping mandate for a second five-year term, setting the stage for more economic reform of the fast-growing economy and further promoting brand India. It was the most extensive campaign in India’s history, with 900 million voters casting their votes in one million polling stations over 38 days. Some 83 million …

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