Sunday , July 21 2024

Tag Archives: Shaurya Ritwik

Done and Dusted: Modi govt rectified historic Kashmir blunder

Article 370 Scrapped in Kashmir

Kashmir will see a new dawn. As the quote goes, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”, India on August 5 2019 witnessed such a day which rectified political blunder of decades. What happened today in Parliament must have been backed by few years of strategy and research, and precised timing for implementaion of …

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Umar Daud Khattak, Mission Commander, Pashtunistan Liberation Army in conversation with Shaurya Ritwik

Umar Daud Khattak

Umar Daud Khattak is a warrior and Mission Commander of Pashtunishtan Liberation Army fighting against the illegal occupation of Pakistan from past many years. He is in list of most wanted by Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI. In an interview with The Charticle’s Founding Editor Shaurya Ritwik in Kabul, Afghanistan he talked about his Free Pashtunishtan movement, Pashtun history, Pakistan army’s atrocities in Balochistan, Pashtunishtan and …

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Ladakh Beyond Tourism : In conversation with Jamyang Tsering Namgyal


In an exclusive interview with The Charticle’s Founding Editor Shaurya Ritwik, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, Councillor, Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council who won with record margin of votes in Jammu & Kashmir LAHDC Elections 2015 discussed about Ladakh’s demand for Union Territory, Separatist Movements in Kashmir, Ladakhi Nationalism, Chinese​ Insurgency at the Indo-Sino borders, States of Development in various Assembly Segments of …

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What is Moderate Islam? Dr. Richard Benkin in conversation with Shaurya Ritwik

What is moderate islam

In an exclusive interview Dr. Richard Benkin shared his views with Shaurya Ritwik, Founding Editor, The Charticle on his latest published book What is Moderate Islam?, Radical islamic terrorism, Donald Trump administration, his role in advocacy of human rights in Bangladesh and a lot more. Dr. Benkin, first of all I would like to congratulate you on your new book …

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