Sunday , July 21 2024

Tag Archives: Kashmir

India’s response to Pak PM Imran Khan’s loose speech at UNGA

India's response at UNGA

Exercising its right to reply, India on Saturday responded to Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s maiden UNGA speech where he loosely spoke about nuclear war. Here is the full text of India’s response presented by Vidisha Maitra, First Secretary at Indian Mission in United Nations: Threat of unleashing nuclear devastation qualifies as brinksmanship, not statesmanship Mr. President, I take the floor …

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Done and Dusted: Modi govt rectified historic Kashmir blunder

Article 370 Scrapped in Kashmir

Kashmir will see a new dawn. As the quote goes, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”, India on August 5 2019 witnessed such a day which rectified political blunder of decades. What happened today in Parliament must have been backed by few years of strategy and research, and precised timing for implementaion of …

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